Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Keep Maurice Hinchey out of Utah for good.

I’m from New York State, but I’m very familiar with The Utah red-rock Wilderness bill that has been introduced for the past 20 years. My federal representative Maurice Hinchey who represents New York’s 22nd Congressional district is the chief sponsor of this bill. This is an outrage, Hinchey has absolutely no business trying to tell other states what they can and can’t do with their own land. In New York State the unemployment rate is sky rocketing and we are hovering right around the national average. Over the past year we have seen more than our share of job losses. What we need is a representative that’s going to focus on our needs and concerns rather than trying to limit access to 9.4 million acres of Western land. Now is the time to unite and send a strong and clear message to Congressman Hinchey that we’re going to get him out of Utah and out of office for good. Over the past 3 years I have been working with George Phillips who is a Republican/Conservative running for Congress against Hinchey. I invite you to take a look at our campaign and to visit our campaign website. We can’t do this alone but if we could get some crucial financial backing that would certainly help us defeat Congressman Hinchey. I thank you so much
